Key Points
This book has been written primarily for people who work, or are thinking of working, in roles that include leading or escorting rides from licensed riding schools, trekking centres, horse hotels and similar establishments. It is recommended reading for those working towards a British Horse Society qualification of Stage 2 or Stage 3 Ride Leader. In addition to providing information to those whose professional role includes taking out rides, this book will be of value to those being escorted, whether newcomers to riding or those of greater experience. It contains plenty of practical advice that will be of use to private horse owners who habitually ride out by themselves, or in the company of small groups of friends.
The British Horse Society education system is one of the best and most widely-respected in the world. The BHS Equine Excellence Pathway gives each student the opportunity to gain qualifications and awards in their chosen profession. They have been specially developed through extensive consultation with the equine industry to incorporate the latest research and thinking, with current practices and friendly assessment methods.
184 pages | 246 x 189mm Paperback
Volume 1: A great foundation for any aspiring equestrian providing information and guidance on safe, modern and current practice. Filled with practical knowledge in riding, care and stable management. An essential guide for anyone training towards their BHS Stage 1.
The British Horse Society education system is one of the best and most widely-respected in the world. The Complete Horsemanship series supports anyone wishing to studying qualifications within the BHS Career Pathways. The BHS Career Pathways give each student the opportunity to gain qualifications and awards in their chosen profession. They have been specially developed through extensive consultation with the equine industry to incorporate the latest research and thinking, with current practices and friendly assessment methods.
Volume 2: Aims to develop the skills for aspiring equestrians, building on improving efficiency, depth of knowledge and understanding of equine care and management. Volume 2 introduces lungeing a horse for exercise, with practical riding skills progressing to basic jumping. Includes initial principles for teaching and coaching in the industry.
The British Horse Society education system is one of the best and most widely-respected in the world. The Complete Horsemanship series supports anyone wishing to studying qualifications within the BHS Equine Excellence Pathway. The BHS Equine Excellence Pathway gives each student the opportunity to gain qualifications and awards in their chosen profession. They have been specially developed through extensive consultation with the equine industry to incorporate the latest research and thinking, with current practices and friendly assessment methods.
Volume 3: An in-depth approach to developing your professional career pathway as a groom, coach or rider. Introduces the practical element of cross country jumping and considers requirements and knowledge necessary for management and care of the horse and yard.
The British Horse Society education system is one of the best and most widely-respected in the world. The Complete Horsemanship series supports anyone wishing to studying qualifications within the BHS Equine Excellence Pathway. The BHS Equine Excellence Pathway gives each student the opportunity to gain qualifications and awards in their chosen profession. They have been specially developed through extensive consultation with the equine industry to incorporate the latest research and thinking, with current practices and friendly assessment methods.
Volume 4 of the Complete Horsemanship series provides an in-depth approach to professional horse care and stable management: from an advanced understanding of horse anatomy and physiology, to the skills and knowledge necessary to run a yard.
The attention shifts from the development of riding skills, and focuses instead on the more advanced training of the horse, to ultimately allow for the horse and rider combination to be ridden at more advanced competitions.
Recommended reading and guidance for the British Horse Society Stage 4 Qualification in horse care, riding, teaching and training.
The British Horse Society education system is one of the best and most widely respected in the world. The Complete Horsemanship series supports anyone studying qualifications within the BHS Equine Excellence Pathway. The BHS Equine Excellence Pathway gives each student the opportunity to gain qualifications and awards in their chosen profession. They have been specially developed through extensive consultation with the equine industry to incorporate the latest research and thinking, with current practices and friendly assessment methods.
A self-test and revision aid for candidates working towards the BHS Stage 1 assessment.
This innovative workbook is designed to make revision entertaining yet effective. It allows you to test your knowledge against the requirements of the Stage 1 assessment and contains a wealth of typical questions – with, of course, many model answers.
It is the recommended workbook towards the BHS Stage 1 Complete Horsemanship award.
The British Horse Society education system is one of the best and most widely-respected in the world. The Complete Horsemanship series supports anyone wishing to studying qualifications within the BHS Equine Excellence Pathway. The BHS Equine Excellence Pathway gives each student the opportunity to gain qualifications and awards in their chosen profession. They have been specially developed through extensive consultation with the equine industry to incorporate the latest research and thinking, with current practices and friendly assessment methods.
Melissa Troup BA and BHS Stage 5 Performance Coach in Complete Horsemanship.
Margaret Linington-Payne BA (Ed) is a BHS Stage 5 Performance Coach in Complete Horsemanship and a BHS Assessor.
108 pages | 297 x 210mm Paperback
A self-test and revision aid for candidates working towards the BHS Stage 2 assessment.
Based on the Stage 2 syllabus, this innovative workbook is designed to make revision entertaining yet effective. It allows you to test your knowledge against the requirements of this assessment and contains a wealth of typical assessment questions – with, of course, many model answers.
It is the recommended workbook towards the BHS Stage 2 Complete Horsemanship award.
The British Horse Society education system is one of the best and most widely-respected in the world. The Complete Horsemanship series supports anyone wishing to studying qualifications within the BHS Equine Excellence Pathway. The BHS Equine Excellence Pathway gives each student the opportunity to gain qualifications and awards in their chosen profession. They have been specially developed through extensive consultation with the equine industry to incorporate the latest research and thinking, with current practices and friendly assessment methods.
Melissa Troup BA and BHS Stage 5 Performance Coach in Complete Horsemanship.
Margaret Linington-Payne BA (Ed) is a BHS Stage 5 Performance Coach in Complete Horsemanship and a BHS Assessor.
80 pages | 297 x 210mm Paperback